Genesis Chiropractic Center

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Genesis Chiropractic and COVID-19

Our office has made a decision to treat patients and work with a shortened schedule Monday - Wednesday - Friday 9-1 pm and Saturday 9-12 starting Monday March 23, 2020, our website and Facebook is a great place to keep in touch, Dr Zachary is posting on Facebook regularly

We will be screening patients via phone to determine the patient’s risk for exposure to COVID-19.

  1. Have they traveled to an area with a CDC level 3 travel advisory?
  2. Have they had close contact with a known individual with COVID-19?
  3. Are they over 65?
  4. Do they have any other serious underlying medical conditions? (Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, etc?)
  5. Do they have temperature of 100.4 or higher, cough OR difficulty breathing?

If we determine there is minimal risk, and the patient is cleared to come to the office, be prepared to have your temperature taken prior to entering the office/building. It’s recommended that patients have a temp of 100.4 or less prior to being seen.

Our front door will be locked and a staff member will screen all patients before entering.

Our State Association, ANJC recommends closing the waiting room area and calling patients in from their cars in order to maintain a 6-foot distance between staff and other patients the entire time you are in the office. This will give our staff an opportunity to disinfect all treatment rooms in between patients.

We are taking extra steps at cleaning our office after each patient visit.

Any questions, call the office!


Stay safe and well!